Spring Garden Faire at Locust Grove

Locust Grove

Spring Garden Fair at Locust Grove

2683 South Rd. (Route 9), Poughkeepsie, NY 

Sunday, April 27 | 10 AM – 3 PM (Last ticket entry at 2 PM)

$10/Adults | $5/Kids ages 4 - 17


Join in at the garden celebration and vendor fair, in collaboration with Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County featuring tips and tricks on flower and vegetable gardening, beekeeping, and more! Enjoy blooming flowers, garden programming for adults, activities for kids, music, a food truck, a nature hike, and shopping.

The event is a rain or shine event. (We will set up indoors, if necessary.)

Purchase your tickets in advance here Spring Garden Faire or pay at the door. 

The first 100 kids get a free bee coloring book!

If you would like to be a vendor at the event, please click here: Spring Garden Faire Vendor Application

Locust Grove https://www.lgny.org