(New York, NY) -- A lawsuit alleges that President Trump and members of the administration coordinated with Fox News for a story about murdered Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.
The story was soon pulled after its May 16th publication but insinuated that Rich's 2016 murder had something to do with a huge WikiLeaks dump of 20-thousand DNC emails during the presidential campaign.
The lawsuit, filed by former Fox News contributor and police detective Rod Wheeler, claims former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer met with Fox contributors about the story and that Trump himself had reviewed it prior to publication. Wheeler was quoted as saying his investigation appeared to show Rich had been in contact with WikiLeaks -- statements he denies making.
The lawsuit also claims that the idea behind the story was to shift attention to the DNC in order to take some pressure off of President Trump and the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling and possible collusion. The White House denies the lawsuit's allegations.
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