Three Indicted in Brookwood Secure Facility Assault

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A Columbia County grand jury has indicted three individuals in connection with an assault at the Brookwood Secure Facility in Claverack. The incident, which occurred in October 2024, involved an attack on an 18-year-old resident by five others during a basketball game. The victim suffered severe injuries, requiring over 100 stitches, after being slashed with a sharp object and beaten.

According to the Columbia County District Attorney’s Office, James Gomez, 21, Miguel Gonzales, 20, and a 16-year-old, whose name has not been released, were indicted on charges of second-degree gang assault and second-degree assault. These charges are classified as class C and D felonies, respectively.

The investigation revealed that Gomez, Gonzales, and the unnamed teen face potential prison sentences ranging from three and a half to 15 years if convicted. The other two attackers, both 18 at the time, are currently negotiating plea deals with the District Attorney’s Office.

The Brookwood Secure Facility, overseen by the state Office of Children and Family Services, has faced scrutiny due to a rise in incidents following the implementation of the Raise the Age legislation. The facility houses male and female offenders who committed certain violent felonies before turning 16.

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