The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


Yes, Trump CAN Deport Green Card Holder Mahmoud Khalil for Protesting

ICE has arrested pro-Palestinian activist Mahmoud Khalil, a green card holder, for allegedly helping organize anti-Israel, pro-Hamas protests at Columbia University in the wake of the Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel. But now, some are claiming that the government has violated his right to protest. So, do green card holders have this right? Can the Trump administration rescind his green card and deport him over this? Glenn makes the case that YES, it can.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: All right. Now, while we're talking about enemies of the state, let's talk about the enemies within.

There's this big debate over the green card thing. I've got a green card, so I can disrupt. No. No.

This is about Mahmoud Khalil. He's a green card holder, that is now facing being deported. Because he is a guy sowing the seeds of dissent, of violence. He is the guy who was responsible for much of the bad stuff that was happening at Columbia University.

And now, Trump, he's going in with immigration. And he just hates everybody. That's different.

No. No. That's not what's happening here. This guy is not a citizen. Not a citizen.

He was leading the protests. Really, violent, awful, ugly, anti-Semitic protests, at Columbia University. Not just anti-Semitic. But leading towards the whole Islam is great, we should have Sharia law kind of ideas.

This cannot be tolerated here in America. He holds a green card. What is that? That is a ticket. A golden ticket, to live and work in America.

But just like Willy Wonka, you can be ejected from the tour of the chocolate factory, at any time. There's some fine print there, that you might want to take half glasses. And read half of the contract like they did in Willie.

It's not a passport. It's not citizenship. So let's look at this.

You're handed a guest pass, to the greatest estate on earth.

Okay? The greatest estate ever built. Marble floors. Golden chandeliers. It's the greatest.

Nobody ever thought that it could be that great, but it is.

The view that stretches on forever and ever.

And you've been invited to sit at the table.

Have some wine. Live some life.

But you don't own the deed. The owners are being very, very generous. And they said, stay as long as you want. Now, honor the house. You have to live by our rules. Honor the house.

So you've been invited to sit at this table, eat your fill. Live like you're somebody that is part of the family.

But then you start smashing the windows. You tart, you know, whispering to other members in the House, about, this place is bad.

This place has got to go. We have to leave this place. How long before that key is snatched from your hand by the owner?

And who in their right mind would say, you can't take the key from him.


If you're a family member. If you care about the house, no one would say, Dad, you're being a little unreasonable. He was only trying to torch the kitchen and the guest wing.


He's a guest.

And that's where we are with this guy, and so many others!

Every green card holder, that mistakes privilege for a birthright, you're in for a surprise! There's a new sheriff in town.

There's a new sheriff in town. He's great. We love him. It's a revocable lease. That's what that is! It's not a title! You're not Lord of the manor.

He's got a revocable lease with you!

And here we are, today, we're all like, I don't know this.

I mean -- he should be able to sew chaos and terror. Spread all the anti-American seeds he wants!


He cannot. Here's why: A green card will make you a permanent resident. Legal.

But not a citizen. You don't vote, you don't sit on juries.

By the way, those two things are responsibilities. Not rights!

So you have no responsibilities as a citizen. Which means you have no rights as a citizen.

And if you step out of line, you get sent back.

The Constitution wraps its arms around citizens. Freedom of speech.

Assembly, all of that. Noncitizens, no!

There's an embrace there. But it's very, very, very loose. Supreme Court, made a rule, back in 1893, when I was just a kid with Fonguting.

Wait until you hear the story of Fonguting. Very exciting case.

I'll start there in 60 seconds. First, here's a simple truth that people used to know. When -- when something like the power grid fails.

And, oh, it will fail!

It will fail!

You just sit around, waiting for somebody else to get the lights back on!

Or you take care of it yourself.

How do you do that? Well, you're prepared for this. Months or even years before it even happened, in most cases. Because you went to My Patriot Supply.

They have you covered right now. They just released your new grid doctor 4300. It's the first solar generator with revolutionary EMP intercept technology.

It protects your power from an EMP attack. Keeping you and your family safe and comfortable.

It has an industry-leading 33 watts of power, which runs everything from refrigerators to freezers to medical devices. Power tools. Plus, when you get it, it comes with a free 200-watt waterproof solar panel.

Don't wait! Get your Grid Doctor 3300 with EMP intercept technology right now at Secure your family's future at Ten-second station ID.


Well, back in my take, in 1893, there was this young whippersnapper called Fonguting.

And he went -- his case was taken to the Supreme Court. I won't bore you with all the details, because I was too bored to really read them.

But I do know that the outcome is Congress can deport noncitizens at will. There is no right to stay here. It doesn't exist. You break the law. You threaten the nation.

Buh-bye. That's not cruelty. That's the rule book!

So this guy, kicking him out, that's not cruelty. That's not a tragedy of his rights being violated.

He has no rights!

It's privileges, revoked.

Not rights. Privileges!

Now, think about this again. You're inviting somebody in your home. You're welcomed to the couch. You can have all the coffee you want. You have the peace and quiet. But if you start carving up the furniture or plotting to burn the roof off. I don't owe you a bed anymore, or matches to light the fuse.

Period. America is exactly the same. We have flung the doors open, so wide, millions walk through.

And I'm happy about this, to chase their dreams. But that comes with this deal. Don't tear down!

You don't do that. You can't take the things that are holding this whole thing together, and start taking the beams down. You can't!

You're not a citizen. You know, if you hate the beams. You're really rude. But you're also a massive risk. Get the hell out of here. And, by the way, I think we have enough cracks in our foundation without hanging out free hammers. I don't know about you.

But, hey. We shouldn't give hammers to anybody that comes in here. We should take those hammers away.

So if history is a teacher and that teacher has got some scars to show you, this isn't about free speech.

Because that's sacred for you and me. We're citizens. You're born here or you swear an oath, you have skin in the fight, you can rant, you can rave. You can burn flags if you want. That's your call.

Your family, you've earned the voice!

Green card holders. You're our guests. You know, you want to do whatever you want. That's fine.

Get the hell out, period.

We have to guard the gate. You see what's happening in Europe! It's not good. It's not good at all.

We cannot go down that route. Green card holder, you're preaching terror. Buh-bye. Stirring chaos. See you later. Spitting on the values that opened the freaking door for you?

Buh-bye! Want to stay? Build, don't burn. Period.

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